Discover Sullivan County Tennessee
Experience the charm of our picturesque region, perfect for unwinding and thriving in business.
Highway Department
Scott Murray, Highway Commissioner
Contact Information:
Sullivan County Highway Department
147 County Hill Road
Blountville, TN 37617
Phone: (423) 279-2820
Fax: (423) 279-2876

COVID-19 Policy
Sullivan County Highway Department (423) 279-2820
Re: Safety Plan for COVID-19
- Sullivan County Highway Department will not be closing or laying off any employees at this time.
- We will continue to operate within our regular business hours, Monday – Thursday 6:30 am – 5 pm.
- Signs have been posted to direct all visitors to front office.
- Highway Foreman and employees going out on road calls and/or to meet residence to resolve highway issues are advised to discourage hand shaking and keep a safe distance from others.
- Plats are to be dropped off and picked up by the public from the designated holding area in front lobby.
- Procedures are contingent on the degree of spreading throughout our community which may force the Highway Dept. to change our hours of operation, access to our buildings and services.
- To avoid shutting down the Highway Dept. completely we will consider working in staggered shifts with skeleton crews and only essential personnel.
Office Hours
Monday thru Thursday, by appt. Closed designated holidays.
Highway Department
Phone: (423) 279-2820
Fax: (423) 279-2876
Responsibilities of Highway Department
“The Mission of the Sullivan County Highway Department is to provide a safe, continuously-improving, cost effective system of roads, bridges, and drainage to allow for the safe movement of vehicles and goods throughout the county. In this process the Department will promote the economic vitality of the region and be responsive to the needs of the citizenry of the county.”
Responsibilities of Highway Department
“The Mission of the Sullivan County Highway Department is to provide a safe, continuously-improving, cost effective system of roads, bridges, and drainage to allow for the safe movement of vehicles and goods throughout the county. In this process the Department will promote the economic vitality of the region and be responsive to the needs of the citizenry of the county.”

Other Helpful Links
State of Tennessee Official Web Site
County Technical Assistance Service