Sullivan County Tennessee

Welcome to our beautiful and serene area, great for relaxing and also good for business

ADA Compliance

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination based on disability by any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. Discrimination may consist of exclusion from participation in or denial of the benefits of programs and activities operated by a department, agency or other form of State or Local government. Section 504 applies to Sullivan County, Tennessee as well as all sub-recipients of Federal funds.
The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 lends further protection on the basis established by Section 504 by prohibiting discrimination, based on disability by public entities regardless of whether they receive Federal financial assistance. The Act is divided into five titles describing requirements related to:
1) Employment;
2) State and local government services;
3) Public accommodations;
4) Telecommunications;
5) Miscellaneous provisions


In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) the Tennessee (TN) Judicial Branch does not permit discrimination against anyone on the basis of physical or mental disability in accessing its judicial programs. If necessary, reasonable modifications will be provided for qualified persons with disabilities to access programs, services or activities.
If you require a modification to access a judicial program and/or have special needs because of a qualified disability, you must submit a written Request for Modification to the Local Judicial Program ADA Coordinator listed below at least five (5) business days prior to the date of the judicial program, if possible. A form is available from the local Judicial Program ADA Coordinator or from the TN Judicial Program ADA Coordinator at
If you need assistance or further information or have questions, please contact either of the following judicial ADA coordinators:

LOCAL – Bobby L. Russell
Circuit Court Clerk
Sullivan County Justice Center
Blountville, TN 37617
(423) 279-2752

TN – ADA Coordinator
511 Union Street, Suite 600
Nashville, TN 37219
(615) 741-2687 or
(800) 448-7970

Ready To Get Started? Visit Our Documents Page

Sullivan County Courthouse

3411 Hwy 126

Blountville, TN 37617


Map of downtown Blountville

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